It's about flying without wings and posing safely: maximum Performance without giving up the welfare of the Horses and Riders!

Sand Solutions for High Standards!

We know that the perfect dynamics of equestrianism goes through a powerful jump, an elastic, safe landing and a consistent gallop for the course.

The jump and the need to balance strength and stability for the horse was a concern of the technical commission of the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil that set us the challenge of developing the best sand solution for high performance.

When the goal is high performance a grain of sand makes a difference!

It was with different needs in mind that we developed two product lines with different deliveries.

Grand Pista Jundu 1100 is the Sand Tread developed for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and internationally approved! It is a Sand Blend characterized by a careful selection of grains of the highest purity, providing security for the various requirements of a course and favoring the adjustment of the floor for occasions that demand high performance.

Grand Pista Jundu 1300 is the Sand Tread when the objective is training and day to day use. It has a combination of grains that is ideal for work and training tracks where there can be no prolonged physical wear on the horse.

Projects realized with

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A Jundu conta com um time de especialistas em Engenharia de Aplicações apto para entender seu desafio!