Industrial Market

Glass Packaging Solutions, Home Line and Flat Glass

We are a leading producer of minerals essential for glassmaking, serving the largest manufacturers in the country, with quartz sand, limestone, and dolomite. This leadership drives our science and innovation strategy including on new minerals for industry.

It is part of everyday life: Glass in its infinite possibilities is part of houses, hospitals, buildings, cars, bottles, medicine packaging

Where the solutions are produced: Descalvado (SP), Analândia (SP), Estância (SE), São João del Rei (MG), Bom Sucesso do Itararé (SP)

Fiberglass Solutions

Fiberglass is an invention of the 20th century and its use gained scale with the evolution in the aerospace industry, as it is widely used in the manufacture of airplanes. Its most common form is in the form of glass wool, glass mesh, glass plates and glass threads.

It is part of everyday life: painéis solares, fibras de piscina, telecomunicações, para fabricação de barcos e aviões.

Where the solutions are produced: Descalvado (SP)

Foundry Solutions

Quartz sands and resin sands are essential ingredients used in the cores and molds for parts in different casting processes. Jundu counts on an expertise and solidity of more than 60 years serving the main players in the southeast and south of the country.

It is part of everyday life: casting molds will give rise to engine blocks and automotive parts, piping, tools, agricultural parts, among others.

Where the solutions are produced: Descalvado (SP) and Analândia (SP).

Solutions for Silicates

Our ores give rise to quartz sands with 99.9% silica, an ideal solution in manufacturing sodium silicate, which in turn will be used by the chemical industries to give rise to products that are essential to our lives.

It is part of everyday life: soap, detergent, fabrics, paper, cellulose, and others.

Where the solutions are produced: Analândia (SP).

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